History comes to you!
Not every class or group can travel to a museum, which is why the Remembrance Service of the WHI has developed a series of traveling exhibitions. They can be visited by a wide audience, but were developed with a school audience in mind. On easily mountable exhibition panels, you can discover in words and images what the First World War was like, what concentration camps were, what the fate of the Congolese was during the First World War and how the colony came into begin. We also offer exhibitions about the Interbellum, war propaganda and the resistance in Europe.
Required space : 200 m²
Price : 100 €/week
Guide : 40 €/day

Human Rights
The exhibition relates the origins and developments of human rights through historical and current cases; it also draws attention to their poignant meaning. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 75th anniversary we are now celebrating, serves as a moral compass. The text emphasizes the right to life, liberty or security and advocates equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
The set-up is particular in that it does not follow a chronological approach, but rather provides examples from both ancient and recent history putting the Declaration’s articles in context. Moreover, it takes a critical look at contemporary challenges still to be met.
The exhibition consists of 32 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)

The Great War in Great outlines
Follow the steps of soldiers in the trenches near the river Yser. Get to know what happened in Gallipolli. Get to know soldiers from around the world. Cross over to Africa, learn about the Martyrs’ Cities, but also about poison gas, zeppelins and submarines. Spend Christmas at the front, walk through occupied Belgium and celebrate the libération. The exhibition tells the story of the First World War on three levels: the international, the Belgian and the provincial/local level.
The exhibition consists of 40 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)

Deportation and Genocide
‘Deportation and genocide, a European tragedy’ is a staggering exhibition about the concentration camps before and during the Second World War. It begins in 1933 and ends with a hopeful look at the future with the founding of the United Nations, a response to the horror of the Second World War. In between, you will learn through photos, documents and contemporary drawings about the persecution and imprisonment of millions of communists, resistance fighters, Jews, gypsies, disabled people and homosexuals under the nazi regime. Millions of men, women and children died… because they were born.
We initially recommend the exhibition for classes of the second and third grade of secundary schools.
The exhibition consists of 47 panels and is quadrilingual (French-Dutch-English-German)

Congo at the Yser
The 32 Congolese soldiers of the Belgian army during the First World War.
During the First World War, Belgium did not deploy any colonial troops on its own territory. Yet, 32 Congolese serve in a Belgian uniform in the trenches of 14-18. Who were these soldiers? How did they get to Belgium? Why did they joint he army? What did they experience at the front? Who survived and what did they do after the war? Discover the history of these men through long-lost archive material and never-bofere-seen photos.
The exhibition consists of 12 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)

Tokopesa Saluti
Zoom in on the Belgian-Congolese military past of the last 125 years. Discover how a Belgian pilot inflicted a first defeat on the German army in East Africa during the First World War. Meet the 27 Congolese men fighting on the Yser. Travel to Burma with Dr. Thomas’ Field Hospita land go from Nigeria tot the Egyptian Pyramids with the Expeditionary Corps. Experience the difficult period of independence through thee yes of the paratroopers. Learn about military cooperation before and after independence.
The exhibition consists of 34 panels and is bilingual (French-Dutch)

Resistance in Europe
Get to know the actions of all resistance movements in 21 European different countries during the Second World War. Clandestine press, armed resistance, sabotage, escape routes, aid to Jews and those who refuse to work for the German occupier : these 5 themes give a good idea of the resistance during the Second World War. The exhibition is also devoted to freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human dignity… these are values that transcend nations and underlie the birth of the European Union.
The exhibition consists of 52 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)

Interbellum 1919-1939
The period between world wars is particularly ambivalent. The first decade is full of optimism: there is a festive mood and cultural blossoming. The second decade is much leaker and heralds the Second World War. From the signing of the Armistice on 11 november 1918 to the German invasion of Poland in september 1939: the road to a new global conflagration leads through the great economic depression, the rise of nationalism, the breakthrough of totalitarian ideologies and authoriatarian regimes in various European countries.
The exhibition consists of 54 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)

War Propaganda – Ten elementary principles
Studies, publications, exhibitions and documentaries on military history rarely address the attitude of public opinion. Does everyone want a war and what exactly are the arguments that are used to convince people? The exhibition ‘Resisting War Propaganda !’ examines the motives on which propaganda is based. The exhibition examines the methods and processes of war propaganda from 14-18 to the present, to expose the immutability and repetition of the mechanisms and arguments over time. The exhibition is built around 10 principles, which are described by Anne Morelli (Université Libre de Bruxelles) in her book ‘Elementary principles of war propaganda’.
The exhibition consists of 30 panels and is trilingual (French-Dutch-English)